Friday, March 27, 2009

Industrial Visit to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China

Group Photo

Group Photo

Railway Tracks....

A Warehouse....

More Railway Tracks...

More Railway Tracks...

More Railway Tracks...

Buildings in the Industrial Area......

Pipes going out of a Building to another.

Railway Depot

Buildings in the Industrial Area......

Buildings in the Industrial Area......

Buildings in the Industrial Area......

Used to hold Molten Iron and Steel...

Trains travelling along the tracks.......

Pipes travelling on the sides of Roads.......

My Observations

The visit to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation was definitely provided me with a unique perspective of how Steel is produced. From the beginning, when the molten steel was extracted from the furnace, to the flattening process and cleaning process, followed by the cleaning process and the coiling of steel to be sent for commercial use.

The size of the entire corporation is extremely huge. I must say, that it may even be bigger than the size of Jurong Island itself. It has numerous warehouses, producing and storing massive amounts of Steel and Iron to be sent across the nation as well as the globe. After all, it is China’s leading Exporter of Steel, and one of the main Producers of Steel and Iron in the World.

There were many railway lines running in and out of warehouses and plants across the Corporation. I guess many of the equipment are delivered on site through trains.

The air in the area seems to be pretty hazy as well. The smoke and dust emitted from the chimney stacks and surrounding areas tend to affect the surrounding environment, thus explaining the reason why the Corporation was constructed far way from residential areas in Wuhan. People in the area at times don a mask to avoid breathing in too much dust. To counter such problems, they have water tanks on the roads to wash the roads daily so as to prevent the dirt and dust from travelling out of the industrial area.

In the factories, they are a lot of cameras to ensure that no foul play is allowed. Photography was also prohibited. Major Industries in China don’t allow the secrets of the companies to be revealed to the public, due to security concerns.

Comparisons between Singapore and China

Singapore does not have a large scale industry such as the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. One of the largest industries which occupy the largest amount of land in Singapore would be Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Sector, located on Jurong Island.

Singapore faces a matter of land scarcity. Thus, it can’t have industries which occupy massive amounts of land such as Steel and Iron Industries. As China has large amounts of land and the resources, they are able to carry out such industries.

Both Singapore and China are very touchy when it comes to photography of its industries and surrounding areas. If I were to enter Jurong Island, I would not be able to take any audio and video recording, due to security reasons.

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