Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 7, Week 3 in Wuhan, China

Mr.Chua showing his Skills

Sebastian Playing With Mr. Chua

Cracking an Egg

What We Did

Today, we woke up and prepared for our Lab Test which would be held in the Morning. There were two sessions. The 1st Session comprised of those from Group 1-5 and the 2nd Session comprised of those from Group 6-9. We were in the 1st Session. I felt that I was somewhat prepared for this Lab Test, but I felt slightly less confident given the short time frame given for preparation.

During the Lab Test, we were told to sit separately and we were given the Paper to start on our Test. The Test had 3 Sections. The 1st Section of creating the Interface was relatively easy, but I stated to fumble midway in the Coding Section. I was able to complete 80% of the Program until I hit a block during my conversion from Text to String using the Parse Method. I tried over and over again, yet I simply couldn’t figure out the problem. The program just kept mentioning that it was not in the correct format. I started to panic as time was gradually running out. Soon, time was up and I had to submit whatever that I had done to Mr. Ma. The Lab Test was a manageable one, but I didn’t perform to optimal level. Many of my classmates were able to do the program with ease, yet I was struggling. I don’t understand at all. I tried all the programs that were covered in class over and over again, but that didn’t help………..

Following that, we went for Lunch at Canteen 3, where I ate fried rice as there was minimal option for me to decide. The fried rice tasted very sour indeed. I felt that the fried rice at Canteen 2 was much better indeed. The noodles taken by Sasireika and Hwee ping tasted like Maggie Mee noodles. I was still thinking about the Lab Test. I felt that I made a careless mistake which certainly cost me some marks. I certainly felt very down. Well, that is my nature.

Whenever, I didn’t perform up to my expectations or made careless and silly mistakes, I usually lull over it. I kept going through the program in my head over and over again; think of the solution to the problem at hand. I had not found the solution to the problem yet.

Then we headed back to the hostel where we started on our research for our IS Report on the Transportation System in Wuhan, China. We divided the work among one another and started to source for information for our respective areas. My area of research was Domestic Air Travel in Wuhan, China. I was able to gather as much as 14-17 pages of information for my particular section. Due to time constraints, we also planned out a schedule to complete this Assignment along with the Photo Essay. We had to summarize and compile all our information by Week 4 to ensure that all our work was on the right track for submission in Week 6, before we depart from Wuhan, China .

We left for the Class for our APPG Lesson. On the way to class, I still kept thinking about the solution for the problem that I encountered earlier as well. I finally found the solution, but I felt even more depressed knowing that I made a very silly and careless mistake, which could probably make me lose 25% of the Marks. I ended up keeping quiet, calculating the maximum amount of marks that I would be able to achieve through this assessment. I was aiming for an A Grade and above for this particular module, but after this test I realized that the task of achieving such a grade has become harder. I just feel so frustrated that I can’t even do a simple question like that.

During our Lesson, Mr. Chua gave us a short briefing on what’s to be done for IS Module. He mentioned that we had to be more proactive and do as much as we could to expose ourselves to the different aspects of Wuhan and China, such as Business of Wuhan, China, Economy of Wuhan, China and many more areas as well. Following that, we were given a short break to do all our outstanding assignments. After that, we carried on doing Tutorial 5. We left the class once we had only completed the entire Tutorial 5. Mr. Ma didn’t want to stay longer, I presume. He was asking to go home and complete it. Guess he wanted to go and play tennis with Mr. Chua and Mr. Ryan (Coordinator of WUST).

After Lesson, we played with Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua table tennis for at least 30 minutes. All of us had some fun, playing with them. Mr. Ma was certainly comical as he displayed his frustration in a manner in which all of us laughed. I played with Mr. Ma. Although, I was able to make some progress at first, I fell after he displayed his skills. We certainly had a good time. It was good to play once in a while to unwind after a long day. I guess that would be what I need.

After the game, we headed off to the hostel and did some work before leaving again for Dinner. On the way back to the hostel, we went to buy our breakfast for the next day at the local bakery. I still can’t remember its name, after buying from them for the past 2 weeks.

What We Think

In life, I do understand that there are many ups and downs. I should be taking them these matters as learning steps and move ahead, but sometimes, it just seems so hard to do that. I felt that I could achieve good grades for the Lab Test, yet I disappointed myself and those whom have believed on me, for not being able to perform at my optimum level. I do realize that there is no point crying over spilled milk, for what’s done is a thing of the past. I must believe in myself and not succumb to depression and let it affect my other assessments and most importantly me as well.

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