Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 5, Week 3 in Wuhan, China

Our Hotel


Me and the the Background of Peak of Wudang Mountain

Hmm...I wonder if there is a meaning for such a word?
Is there a spelling mistake?

Trying to cut queue

Having a Chat, while waiting.....

Yup, we finally made the halfway mark.
'V' for Victory...

The Last Lap.....
Just a it more....

Pictures of Wudang Mountain

Pictures of Wudang Mountain

This Wheel ensures that the Cable Car is in constant motion.....

Me and the Peak, behind me.

Very Steep Steps.........

The Rear view of the Temple.........

View from above....

This is our Tour Guide and that's me.

Mr. Ma and me.

Group Photo

View from Above....

View from Above.....

'Tower of the Temple

Entrance of the Temple

Nice Swords.....Wonder if i can bring one through Singapore??

Waiting in Line for the Cable Car

My Ticket

Is this the way in? or the way out?

This sounds slighy wrong.....

We are approacing..

Sebestian and Me.

Sasireika and me.
Hey, where did that hand behind my head come from?

Our Lunch

Mr. Chua having a good time.

Late Night Dinner

What We Did

We woke up at 5.30am to shower and get ready for Day 2 of the Trip to Mt Wudang. We packed our clothes and belongings and checked out of the hotel at 6.30am in the morning. Initially, I thought of asking Mr. Chua and Mr. Ma of delaying the check out, to get more sleep. That was most unlikely as we were in a tight schedule.

We boarded the bus and headed towards the same restaurant for our Breakfast. I ate a moderately, as we had to take the cable car to the peak of the mountain. I didn’t want to end up being in apposition whereby, I am not able to enjoy myself, especially when I am sick. Following that, we boarded the bus an went though the clearance at the Main Bus Terminal, just like yesterday, and boarded the tourist bus towards the Cable Car Terminal, up in the mountains.
We had to squeeze ourselves in the minibus. I ended up sitting away from the group.
Once we reached the Cable Car Terminal, we walked down to the Jade Terrace Temple Cable Car Station. We started queuing up to board the Cable Car. We knew that we had to wait long as the crowd was quite huge.
Every 5 minutes, we ended up walking 1-5 steps. To make matters worse, there were many whom were cutting into the queue as well. At times, even groups of 5 or more would simply climb in, without acknowledging others. We simply couldn’t put up with theses, but we tolerated as much as we could. The others started to inform this matter to the tour guides who called the security to step in. There was certainly a prolonged war or words happening as they quarreled that they should cut the queue so that they can go with their friends. That seems to be unreasonable answer. We had been queuing for more than hour, yet they came in and cut as when they please. After a heated argument, they walked off.

Soon, we arrived at the point we were to board the cable car. Each cable car had the capacity to hold 2 people. So, Sebestian and Hwee Ping went into one while Sasireika and I went one another. We went first. At first, I was worried that her fear of heights would return, but she managed to put that aside and remain composed throughout the trip. That was pretty good of her. We captured many pictures of the surrounding landscapes as we went up. After 25 Minutes, we arrived at the top, and we started to walk towards the top along with Sebestian and Hwee Ping.

We walked through temples and other buildings on steep steps to the Temple on the Peak of the Mountain. We passed many smaller temples as well as shops. When we walked up the stairs, the wind blew in our face. It felt very cold indeed. We also had to be careful on where we step as well.. Some of the steps were uneven; one can actually have a bad fall from that. Thankfully, we were able to hold onto the railings provided. After 10 Minutes, we reached the top. The area was extremely packed. It was so packed, that we couldn’t really move. One wrong step and we could end up tumbling down. People were pushing us here and there as well. We had to be very careful.

Once we prayed to the Goddess of Mercy, we headed to the back to meet with the rest. We asked the Tour Guide to take a Group Picture of us with beautiful backgrounds as well. After snapping a couple of photos with the rest, e went down to the gift shop to have a look. I only bought a Lucky Banner for 2 Yuan, while the others bought Solar Powered Charms for their Family and Friends.

After, we walked back down to the Cable Car Terminal after making a short stop at the nearby shop for some food. We had to queue up to board the Cable Car just liked we had to do so when we came up. There was this incident where I tried to take a picture of a child, but I ended up making her cry not one, but twice. The First time, I just focused my camera on her and she started to cry immediately. I didn’t even used flash, so as to affect her as much. I couldn’t take the picture. I tried the Second Time, and this time I managed to get the picture, but she started crying a minute later. I felt slightly guilty as all eyes were on me, including both locals and foreigners. I hope I didn’t scare her.

On the way down, we ate the hardboiled egg that we bought at the shop. The journey downwards was similar to the one leading upwards but we were able to get shots of the landscapes at different angles.

When we reached the terminal, we alighted and headed towards the Xuan Hu Hotel to have our Lunch. I ate lightly as we were coming down from the mountain. After our lunch, we boarded the bus, and headed towards the foot of the mountain. It was certainly a long and windy road.
Midway, during the ride, the bus driver wanted to spit out of the Window, but it ended up landing on my face. I guess the wind simply blew it to my face. It came out of nowhere and I was taken aback myself. I had to ask for tissue to wipe it off. Jian He mentioned that it was a good time to take 4D. I had no idea what he meant by that.

After stopping at 8 Immortals Temple Pavilion for a 10 Minute Break, we continued our ride down to Prince Hill to transfer to another bus service. However, during the bus ride, I started to feel nauseous and I had the feeling to vomit as well. Thanks to Sebestian, Sasireika, Hwee Ping and the others, I was able to control the pain until I reached the Main Bus Terminal. I was still feeling very shaky following that. I decided to sleep it off onboard the ride back. It was so bad that I couldn’t even talk loudly.

After sleeping for about 2-3 Hours on the bus, I felt much better indeed. We eventually stopped at the restroom along the highway for about 10 minutes, before hitting the roads again.
We managed to reach Wuchang within 3 Hours. The Driver headed in the direction of the airport, when we came out of the expressway. We thought he knew where he was going, and let allowed him to bring us back to campus, but we didn’t realize that we were travelling in circles. He even out of his original route and went against traffic head on, so as to cut travelling time. This was even more dangerous than travelling in the van. Cars Honked and Horned, but he just pushed through. We were holding on to our dear lives. Thankfully, he came back to the original track and we headed home.

Upon reaching Campus, we headed out to the Night Street Bakery, to buy our Breakfast for the next day and our dinner as well from the roadside stall. We headed back and retired for the night, once our journals for the past 2 days were complete.

What We Think

This weekend has certainly been one of my most memorable weekends in my life yet. I don’t know if I would be able to climb Mt Kinabalu or even Mt Everest, but I must simply say that view from the peak f Wuhan Mountain was extremely exhilarant indeed. Although, I didn’t walk up the stairs, I truly enjoyed the view of the entire area of Wudangshan. Being able to experience such a feeling is truly priceless.

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