Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 2, Week 2 in Wuhan, China

This is how packed the canteen is at lunchtime,
Can you believe it??

Students from both Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) & Wuhan
University of Science and Technology (WUST)

Basketball Game with the Students of WUST....

Basketball Game with the Students of WUST....

What We Did

When we woke up this morning, we realized that it had rained last night as the ground level of our hostel was wet. We knew that it was going to be cold, but little did we expect it to be still drizzling. To make matters worse, the temperature plunged lower than we expected. I had not recovered from my fever as yet. We had to walk through the rain. I thought of bringing along my umbrella, but I realized that my umbrella was a weak one. It may even fly out of my hand. I realized that I had to rely on my own Winter Wear instead to keep myself warm.
As the wind was pretty strong, we had to share an umbrella. I shared the umbrella with Sasireika, while Hwee Ping shared with Sebestian.

By the time, we had arrived at the Building, My Jacket was wet. Initially, I thought it would take a while for it to dry as my Jacket wasn’t waterproof, but it managed to dry up within half an hour.

During the lesson, we carried on from where we had stopped and moved on to Chapter 2. Here, we learnt more about the individual components and their properties as well. We also learnt how to use them as well. We were also given the template of the Program in the Lecture Notes to assist us in this particular chapter. I felt it was hard to absorb all the knowledge at one go, but I had to push myself to work harder instead. He managed to complete until ¾ of the Notes were complete. Following that, we were dismissed from the lesson.

We then headed down to the canteen nearest to our Classroom for our Lunch. We placed our belongings at a Table as Sebestian stood by looking after them. Once, we got the rice, we were practically stuck in large numbers of students and staff whom were thronging the canteen to have their lunch. They simply pushed us here and there, without any form of concern whether the plate would be toppled or not. We had to be very careful indeed. It took us a while to get what we wanted and have our Lunch.

Following that, we went to the hostel, to try and familiarize ourselves with the Chapter 2 knowledge before the next lesson and to get some rest as well. Following that, we left for our lesson at 1.30pm

During the Lesson, we continued with our Lecture to finish the remaining slides of Chapter 2. We also tried to an exercise as well to reinforce what we have learnt.

Once our lesson had ended for the day, we left our belongings at the Hostel and headed out to the Night Street to get our Bread for the next day, and went to check out the winter wear that was being sold at the nearby departmental store, a stone’s throw away, as well as we were leaving for a 3D2N trip to the Three Gorges Dam.
Once, we came back to School, we went for exchange activity with the Chinese Students from WUST. They planned a Basketball friendly game among the 2 nations. I did not play as I lacked the knowledge of playing basketball and I was also not feeling well. I watched my classmates play instead. Although, the Chinese Side was on the offensive, our classmates certainly provided the challenge for them. They played 3 Rounds of Matches, with substitutions as well, so that they don’t tire themselves out. Even Mr. Chua joined in the games. He didn’t actually play, but he played the role of a coach, providing advice on how to play better and smarter. Through this game, we were able to find some talent in our class who were competent in this game.

After the games, Sasireika, Hwee Ping, Sebestian and I went down to the Night Market again to enjoy some of the roadside food before heading back to campus to pack and prepare for the next day. We ate Mutton Satay, Dou Pi (A famous Dish in Wuhan, and it was pretty good too) and a Popiah (Chinese Style) We ate till around 8.00pm and headed back to campus for a briefing that was to begin at 9.30pm. We decided to head back and finish up our journals and other essential homework before attending the briefing and retiring for the day.

What We Think

The weather in Wuhan is certainly unpredictable. Yesterday, it was very hot based on Wuhan’s temperature range, but today, it was very cold as it rained last night heavily. Stepping out of the building had already sent shivers down my spine. There were strong winds blowing as well. I felt it was best to prepared for any kind of situations, not only based on the weather, but on other matters as well. This would allow us to be prepared for any type of situation or obstacle that we come across, in both personal life and working life.

Being a Student in China is certainly not easy, especially when buying food, be it for lunch or dinner. Entering the canteen and buying a meal seems to be a challenging. When we went to buy our lunch, we were pushed here and there, regardless of the fact that we were holding onto our plates. We had to fend for ourselves and ensure that we are knocked down or that our food was not knocked down as well.

I felt that I truly enjoyed the activity that we had a activity with the Chinese Student s from WUST. Although, I didn’t play the game, but seeing my classmates play along with them shows a common interest from 2 Different Groups from 2 Different Countries with 2 Different Backgrounds. They played as though they knew each other since a long time ago. That was certainly a sight to behold.

While we were at the Night Market and eating food at the various push carts around, I accidentally dropped a pair of chopsticks on the ground. Without realizing it, I took a pair of disposable chopsticks from the nearby vendor and gave them to the others. I didn’t realize that I had made her unhappy, when Sebestian told me about it, I felt disappointed of myself for what I had done. I intend to learn from my mistake and not repeat it again.

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