Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 3 , Week 4 in Wuhan, China

Zee (from MDE, Supply Chain Management) and Me

Off We Go...

This is too much for me to eat alone.......

A Rainy Day at WUST

Up the Staircase, it is actually very dark.

This Picture was taken with the help of Flash......

Tom's Desk and Bed

Tom at his Desk, working Hard.....

I wonder where this leads to ?

Its quite dark at the other end....

Group Photo with Tom and his BunkMates

Automated Locker System....

Pretty Innovative.......

A Fried Rice Shop in a SuperMarket.....

What a Suprise....

Is it LOVE or LOUE??

This is the size of a Medium Cup at KFC

Can you imagine how SMALL the size of a SMALL Cup can be?

What do you mean?

What We Did

This morning, we went for our 2nd Industrial Visit at the Yangtze Fibre Optics and Cable Factory, 30 minute drive from our Campus, at WUST, Zhongnan Branch. We met at the Main Building of the University to board the bus at around 9.50am, after having our breakfast. We arrived at the factory at around 10.30am. After clearing through clearance, we entered the compounds of the factory. We waited at the entrance, while the other Group from MDE arrived from their Campus as well.

Soon the tour of the plant began. I was really interested to know about the production of optical fibres as I had learned in my Previous Semester. We had a Module name Avionics Systems and there was an assignment that I had to do on Fly by Light and Fly by Wire System which greatly uses optical fibres in their design and construction. After doing that assignment, I really wanted to know more about them. I feel very privileged to have this opportunity to visit a High Tech Industry like this.

Initially, I felt that I would be slightly disadvantaged as the Tour Guide of the Facility was speaking in Mandarin, but thankfully Mr. Chua translated the best he could in English for us. We were told certain ground rules, before we began, such as no talking and no cameras to be used as well. The plant that we were visiting had many people working there. Not only that, they also wanted the processes of the production to kept low as well. They spoke about the history of the company, its shareholders, the milestones, the products they produced for commercial use as well and the different process that would be undertaken to ensure that optical fibre produced was of high quality and standard. Following that, we had a tour of the processes, but some areas were not accessible to the public due to confidentiality reasons. It was pretty amazing of how things were done in the factories.

For more detail on the Industrial Visit; Please see the separate post on the Industrial Trip.

We left the factory at around 11.45am and reached the Campus at around 12.15pm. We went for our Lunch at Canteen 2. I ate Vegetarian Food, as my Father’s Prayers were held in Singapore, today. It is customary to eat vegetarian meals during such prayers. I felt that I missed home, my mother and my siblings. Sebastian attempted to try and open the bottle with his spoon again. This time, he took only 5 minutes. That was indeed a surprise. I think he was practicing through the night while I was sleeping….

After Lunch, we headed to our Apartments to continue our Revision on our Theory Paper in the Afternoon. We studied until about 3.30pm and made our way to the classroom. We were early and waited for Mr. Ma to open up the Classroom. We soon settled in class and got ready the necessary stationery for the Test. We soon began the Test which took 70 minutes. The first few parts were manageable. As time passed by, there were some areas that I wasn’t too confident about, but I gave my best. I managed to finish the paper on time. Although, there were some areas which I couldn’t answer confidently, I felt that I did better than the Lab Test.

We went back to the hostel, when there was slight rain falling on our heads. We went back to the hostel and placed our belongings there and went to visit Tom at Canteen 3. On the way there, it started to rain slightly heavily. For Sebastian and I, it was not much of a concern as we were wearing our jackets. However, for Sasireika and Hwee Ping, they simply wanted to play in the rain. Sebastian gave them their umbrella, but the both of them ran in the rain getting them wet instead. Their Reason: They wanted to play in the rain. If we were in Singapore that would be perfectly alright due to the humid weather conditions. In Wuhan, there is a high chance of getting sick easily.

Once we met Tom, we went with him to visit his hostel, located at the Western Part of the Campus. When we entered, we had to ask for permission to allow Sasireika and Hwee Ping to enter the Guy’s Hostel. The Person in Charge gave the green light. As we walked up, many students were walking down with a cigarette in hand. We finally reached his room on the 6th Level, where 2 of his roommates were already there. We took some pictures and talked with them of Student Life in WUST. After taking a Group Photo, we departed after taking a Group Photo.

We headed out to the Night Street and to the Supermarket across the Street for our Dinner. Tom mentioned that there was a good fried rice stall within the Shopping Centre itself. That sounded pretty unique. We actually made one round of the place, passing by the frogs (they seem to be much alive today than usual; they apparently seemed to have surprised Sasireika though). Sasireika and I bought Vegetarian Fried Rice, while Sebastian, Hwee Ping and Tom bought other varieties. We then headed down to KFC to have our meal. According to Tom, the management didn’t mind anyone coming in to do their own work. When we arrived there, we say Diyanah and the others who have already finished their meal and leaving the area. We ate our meals there, and bought ourselves Pepsi to drink. Sebastian, Tom and Hwee Ping bought Chicken and Egg Tarts to munch on as well. I bough fries instead.

On the way back, we made a pit stop at the nearby shop to buy an ankle guard for my ankle as I was finding it hard to walk with my left leg. I also bought a Chocolate as I was not able to resist the temptation. I took a picture from the surrounding area but was stopped by the Supervisor of the shop. She kept tagging us as we walked from aisle to aisle. It was kind of creepy; knowing that you’re every single move is being watched. We left the place after getting paying for our items.

We dropped by the bakery, to get our bread for the next day, before heading back to campus. We wanted to buy the pancake from the roadside stall, but they were not there. Guess, they had a good business that their ingredients ran out. We decided to head back through the shortcut at the hospital. Tom headed to board the campus Bus at the Entrance of the Building. While getting out through the exit, I tripped slightly, but I didn’t fall. However, there was a sharp pain whenever I moved my life leg.

I feared the worst. My ankle injury apparently recurred again causing me difficulty even to walk slowly. I tool about 20 minutes to walk from the entrance to the Hostel. I must seriously thank Sebastian, Hwee Ping and Sasireika for waiting up for me. After putting on the ankle guard, it felt slightly easier to walk, but it was still painful. I had to ask Sebastian to help me down from the 5th Level to the 2nd Level, after we received the message from Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua stating that the Meeting was cancelled. When we came back to our room, I rested for a while before continuing my work, but I had to move around very slowly. I went back to the desk and started on my journal and other assignments before retiring for the night.

What We Think

Getting Vegetarian Food in China is slightly harder than I expected. Most of the food sold here has either meat or egg added in them. One has to be careful when ordering food, they may indicate it is vegetarian but some may contain such stuff as they are using the same utensils and cutlery to make them. There are only a few whom clean their woks, after every dish prepared.

A student’s life in WUST is certainly harsh. Looking at the Tom’s hostel they stay in tells a lot. I think we are certainly privileged to have the luxury to stay in a serviced apartment. Their personal space is very limited and they have to cram everything together. The power supply gets cut after 11am as well. That means that they would be practically forced to sleep, as they simply can’t do anything else. Imagine 4 Rooms being squeezed on the same area of one room in a Serviced Apartment, including a toilet as well?

That’s how small the area is. Not only that, the area around the unit is not properly ventilated as well. They would have to shower in cold water too. We shouldn’t be complaining at all. We have what we need and more.

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