Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 6, Week 1 in Wuhan, China

Sasireika, Hwee Ping, Sebestian and me

Wow, I didn't know that there would be a lot of Fishballs

Check out the Spread......

Outside the Fishball Restaurent....

Check out the Gym Facilities...

What We Did
Today, we attended a lesson at 8am on Wuhan’s and China’s Culture, Heritage and History. The Lecturer, Miss Anna Xie, covered a wide range of matters from Food to History as well as Shopping and Recreation. Although, most of the audio content was in Chinese, I managed to understand what was being covered. I was pretty drowsy as well, having not slept early the night before, but I had to force myself to stay awake for the entire lesson as it would be rude if I were to sleep in her lesson, especially being the first row of the class. We took down as much notes as we possibly could as she was going at a fast pace. Thankfully, there were short breaks in between so that I can freshen myself up. Though, we took down notes, they were not that comprehensive. We requested to Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua for a copy of the notes if possible. They mentioned that they would look into it.
We went down for Lunch at Canteen nearest to the Entrance of the Campus to have our meal. There was not much variety though. Following that, we headed down to the classroom again for our next lesson at 2pm.
We went back up to the class to continue our Lesson for our IS Module. Our Assignment was to follow up on what was covered earlier during the day and create a summary of Wuhan and Hubei respectively. That took us some time to get it done. We initially thought, it would be completed within 40 to 60 minutes. We ended up doing it for 3 hours, and finally we submitted it to Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua.
We decided to head out to have our Dinner as well, at the nearby restaurant. We decided to try something new outside the campus instead. The name of the restaurant was in Chinese, so I did not know what the name was, but I couldn’t care less. I was getting tired of the same old food at the canteen that we had to try something new.
We didn’t know what to order. So, Chee Yong took charge and started out asking for everyone’s preferences. Not only that, he also look into the fact that we were unable to consume pork or beef and ordered accordingly. That was very thoughtful of him, I must say. The food was definitely a spread meant for a king. We certainly enjoyed ourselves with the food. The fish balls were soft and well cooked. They tasted delicious as well. The other accompanying dishes tasted great as well, especially the local vegetables. I simply give 5 stars for this meal, given its low price and good food. I felt simply bloated after the meal. We left the place after snapping some pictures and we left for the briefing with the others.
On the way back, I took my passport-size photographs from the shop at the WUST Campus. They were apparently using a machine to take the pictures. I am referring to the Machines that are usually located along the roads in Singapore, especially in Shopping Centres. That took me by surprise. The quality of the Photographs was pretty low, the background was becoming gray and my face was slightly blurred as well. I decided not to be too bothered about it.
Following that, we headed towards the Staff Recreation Centre for a tour of the facilities. We are allowed to use the facilities as and when we want in the evenings, as a form of recreation. The facilities were not so bad. They had a gymnasium, billiards room, table tennis room and many more as well.
After that, we headed down to the bakery to buy some bread for breakfast and headed back to Campus. I decided to knock off early for the night, being tired after the day’s activity.
What We Think
I felt that I certainly learnt a lot of content of Chinese Culture and Heritage. Particularly, about Wuhan and Hubei. We covered a great deal of details such as Attractions, Food, etc. The Lecturer did a good job of teaching us of the entire content of Wuhan’s History and Culture. I was able to understand about the various sections much better than before, when I was reading them from the Internet.
Taking risks allowed me to venture beyond the campus to try other types of food. Eating the same old canteen food over and over again, would definitely make one sick. If I had not taken the risk, to eat outside, I would still be eating the same old food in the canteen and not expose myself to the other kinds of food out there. In the end, I would not be making full potential of this Immersion Programme.

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