Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 2, Week 4 in Wuhan, China

Mr. Chua behind the Desktop, monitoring us...


A Patrol Vehicle

There is a hole in this Building. 5-6 Birds enterd through this hole.
There are 2 of them on the edge. Do you see them?

Aren't they supposed to be in one direction (Either both up or both down)?
This is certainly something out of the ordinary.

A truck, parked right out of our doorstep.

Picture 1: 1st Attempt in Opening the Bottle without a Can Opener

Picture 2: Still trying.....

Picture 3: Reactions of Sasi and Hwee Ping.
They must be thinking if the cap is going to fly in their direction....

Picture 4: Let me use a different method......By Hand

Picture 5: After many attempts, its still the same.

Picture 6: Argh, Why can't i open this bottle??
Picture 7: Last Attempt (Hopefully this works,or i might to
go back to the stall to get it open.)

Picture 8: Mission Accomplished.


Alcoholic Drinks -3 Yuan Each

1Kg of Marshmallows -28 Yuan

Looks like Hwee Ping is imitating a Cat. Meow!

Are you two trying to open the door, or pull the whole door down?
Make sure that the door knob does not fall off again as it happened before....

What We Did

We planned to wake up early in the morning at around 7am, but we ended up sleeping till 7.45am instead. We had planned to meet up with the girls at 8.15am. So we rushed to have our shower and get changed. Once, we were ready we went out of our apartment to wait for them. They mentioned that they would be slightly late and they told us to have our breakfast first, while waiting. They came down at around 8.40am and we set off for Class.

Once we arrived at Class, we were surprised to see Mr. Chua instead of Mr. Ma as today’s lesson was scheduled for APPG. We were told that he was taking a day off (also known as MC), as he injured his leg the day before. Guess he should rest for the day; try not to strain his leg too much by standing. We were told to start on uploading our Photo Essays to our blog, but now there was a twist, Instead of doing it as a group; we would have to do them individually. We were also allowed to choose any topic we wanted to talk about. Our initial topic was on Buildings, but I have changed my area to Places of Historical and Cultural Significance in Wuhan, China. Well, I took at least about 500 Pictures from the various monuments and historical places that we visited over the past few weeks. So, we started on our Photo Essays, as all our Journals were up to date and consistent. We started looking through our Photos that we were planning to talk about in our Photo Essay and decided to do the rest at home

After the lesson, we headed down to Canteen for our Lunch. We bought a fish dish and shared it among the four of us. We didn’t realize that it would be very small. Apparently, they had limited amounts of fish for sale. Well, we were still hungry even after we ate our Lunch. We went back to the Hostel for a Short Break before heading back to class again.

When we arrived at our next lesson, Mr. Ma greeted us. Although he had a leg injury, he came all the way to teach us instead of resting at the hostel. That show’s his dedication in teaching. He went through a second paper for the Theory Test on Friday, after we attempted it on our own. The lesson ended at around at around 4.30pm.

After lesson, we headed back to the hostel and placed our belongings there and did some of our Assignments before heading out for dinner and to buy our breakfast for the next day. During Dinner, Sebastian tried something, very interesting indeed. He tried to open bottle by himself when a bottle cap opener was at his disposal. He tried various means of opening it He tried chopsticks and even his hand. We were afraid that the cap might hit one of us. He finally used a spoon and after 20 minutes, he managed to open the bottle. The pictures would tell the full story; they are at the start of this post. While walking back, we walked past the night market stalls and bought our favourite fish pancake. The lady accidentally gave one with pork. I felt slightly uncomfortable, but thankfully I spit it out on time. I also tried out the yogurt at the local mini mart. It tasted quite good actually. We came back to continue with our revision for our Theory Test the next day and our other pending assignments as well.

What We Think

When we went to the local mini mart, we realize that was big gap in prices of certain goods. A bottle of liquor with 45% Alcohol was being sold for 3 Yuan, while 1kg of Marshmallows were sold at 28 Yuan. Can you imagine that? This is not the only one. There are many of such examples in the mini mart and other shops as well. It seems that Alcohol is being sold like water freely in Wuhan, a bottle of Mineral Water would cost the same. In Singapore, there is definitely a high price to pay for alcoholic drinks, but here it seems otherwise.

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