Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 1, Week 3 in Wuhan, China

Mr Yin Shirong teaching the Class

Lunch at Canteen 3

Method of Reserving Seats in Wuhan: Use Books
Shopping Centres in The Computer District

Shopping Centres in The Computer District

Shopping Centres in The Computer District

Shopping Centres in The Computer District

Shopping Centres in The Computer District

A differnt type of Camer: CCTV Cameras on Sale

This Camera looks exactly like a Lamp!

Repair Services

Desktop Display

Playing Games in the Student Corner

Entrance of the Student Corner

Layout of Student Corner

Staff and Students of WUST School of Foreign Languages

Me, along with Friends from the School of Foreign Languages (English Major)

What We Did

Today, we went for our 2nd IS Lesson by our Guest Lecturer on Business Etiquette and Strategies in China. His name was Mr. Yin Shirong and I believe he is a lecturer at the School of Business. Well, I am assuming that since he is teaching that particular module. He started the lesson at around 8.20am. He began to start teaching by sitting down on the chair and reciting whatever that was in the PowerPoint Slides. He started off with Business Etiquettes first. He sounded very monotonous throughout the entire presentation, with occasional times where he got up from his chair and shared a few examples. Not only has that, they way he enunciated his words were slightly confusing at timed as well. I had to clarify with Sebestian once in a while. There were in between breaks of 5 minutes between each section. We ended the lesson at around 11pm. We were surprised as he had not completed the entire PowerPoint Slides. He only covered the area of Business Etiquettes, but not the area of Business Strategies. I was slightly taken aback at first, when I heard about it. I guess, he had to attend to something in a rush. Anyway, we were released at 11pm and were told to return to class at 1pm for our lesson.
Following that, we went for Lunch at Canteen 3, which was located behind the School of Foreign Languages. The canteen looked much more modernized compared to the other 2 Canteens that we attended to, previously. We had rice with selected dishes for lunch. It was pretty good as well. When we were in the Canteen, we received stares from several students, especially Sasireika and me. I guess, I have not gotten used to the idea of being looked at, especially when I known easily as a foreigner. During Lunch, we came across many Students using their books to reserve a table from themselves. The minute they arrive in the canteen, they drop the book on the chair, and move along to buy their food. In Singapore, tissue packets are used instead. I guess this habit is shared by people from both China and Singapore

After having our Lunch, we headed down to the 1st Level to check out the CD ROMs that were on sale at the IT Shop. We were apparently told that they were of relatively good quality, by Zhi Wei and Xin Rong (Our Roommates). Hwee Ping decided to get one. I would probably get a few when the Programme comes to close.

Following that, we headed back to the Hostel to freshen up, and left for the classroom at 12.40pm

We returned to Lesson for IS under Mr. Chua. We started doing our Summary on Business Etiquette and Strategies that was to be submitted to him that very day. We managed to do some before the Lesson, so we were able to finish up the work by 2.45pm. Mr. Chua also informed the Class that the lesson would end at 3pm to allow Students to explore the Computer District. We submitted the Summary to Mr. Chua before heading back to Hostel, dropping our things and moving to the Computer District to explore once more.

We boarded the Bus 901 and headed towards the Computer District, but we had to head deeper into the city to visit the Fujifilm Service Centre to get Sebastian’s Camera fixed. However, we couldn’t do much as he didn’t bring along his warranty card to get the camera repaired free of charge. If he were to send it for repair, he would have had to fork out 400 RMB and wait for 2 Weeks for the Camera to be ready for collection as well. He decided to get it repaired in Singapore instead.

We returned back to the Computer District and started to look for good buys in the entire District. It so happened to be that the entire district was actually the “Sim Lim Square of Singapore”. There were more than 4-5 buildings in the area, and trust me, they were huge. Each store had different varieties of electronic goods ranging from cameras, to SD Cards to Laptops and many more. We were certainly spoilt for choice.

On the way out, we saw a shop selling MP4 Players of High Quality at low prices. The MP4 was a local brand but it was sponsored by Jay Chou, so its quality should be high as well. Initially, I was hesitant in buying in worrying that my expenses would run dry. After a while, comparing the prices between Singapore and China, I decided to buy it. After all, I may consider this a Birthday Present for myself.

Since time was running late, as we had planned to meet Tom whom would bring us to the English Corner to interact with the other students, we rushed back to the Campus, and headed straight to the School of Foreign Language, Level 6, where we met Tom and the rest of the Students as well.

We also met a Singaporean Lecturer, Steven who has been in Wuhan for a long period of time. He shared with us his experiences, things he missed in Singapore and how is life in Wuhan as well. He also spoke to us and enquired on how we were coping well in the hostel. Not only that, he shared several funny moments he had in Wuhan and Singapore as well.

After a while, we started speaking to different Students. I was speaking to 4 Ladies and a Guy, whom were all Students from the School of Foreign Languages, 3rd Year (English Majors). Initially we were both hesitant to talk to one another. Soon, after a while we started talking as though we had been friends for a long period of time. We asked one another about each other’s nation and history. They asked me a wide range of questions such as politics, financial systems, and my hobbies and about my stay in Wuhan, China as well. They apparently mistook me for a Middle Eastern Person, thought that Sebestian was a Eurasian, Hwee Ping was a guide and that Sasireika was my sister. This interaction defiantly helped me to understand them much better. One of them, even invited me over to their hostel and over for a game of badminton as well.
Although, I wanted to stay longer, we had to leave as we had to attend a briefing by Mr. Chua and Mr. Ma at 9.30pm, We said goodnight for the night, and left for the hostel. Once we reached the hostel, we freshened up and headed for Mr. Ma’s room. Without realizing, I locked the door, leaving the keys inside the room. I couldn’t open the door. We had no choice but to call the Warden of the Building to arrive and open the door for us instead. That was a silly move indeed!
After the briefing, we headed next door for cup noodles for dinner before retiring for the night, once the assignments for the 2 modules were completed.

What We Think

The Computer District in Wuhan was certainly larger than the Sim Lim Square in Singapore, but the prices in both locations were at Market Price. There were a few shops that have quality goods at low prices as well. One can definitely bargain for the item, he/she wants if they have the patience to fight for one.

In terms of price, both locations are relatively the same. However, in terms of variety, the Computer District in Wuhan, certainly offers a much wider variety compared to Singapore’s Sim Lim Square.

I felt that I certainly learnt a lot of content of Chinese Business Strategies and Etiquette, covered a great deal of details such as manners, skills etc. I was able to understand about the various sections much better than before, when I was reading them from the Internet.

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