Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 4, Week 3 in Wuhan, China

Off We Go...

Group Photo

Main Bus Terminal of Wudang Mountain

Our Lunch, Pretty Good huh?

Interior of a Main Bus Terminal

Hwee Ping and Sasireika

Sebestian and me
View from above....

Main Gate of the Crown Prince's Temple

Beautiful Scenery . . . .

Architecture of Temple

Sebestian, Hwee Ping, Sasireika, me, Jian He and Zhi Wei

Main Temple

This is where they burnt their incense sticks.
Doubt you can find these in Singapore...

Group Photo

A Wushu Expert Performing......

One Pole holding the entire structure of the building. Wow!

Interior of Building, with Chinese Characthers

Sasireika and her new friend......

Me with the background of the Temple.

Do you see that?
A huge turtle sholding the structure of the entire building.

In the past, this used to be the temple that only allows
Scholars or other high ranking official to enter. Now, its open to Public, that's me.

A Wushu Performance in Action

The Purple Hall set against the backdrop of the mountain

Look at the intricate design of the Roof

The Parent's Temple.The deities of the Emperor's Parents as well as the
God's Parents are placed here

Look how big the Lantern is.....
It is three times the size of my head.

Grounds of the Purple Hill

Showing our Skills.....

This is one of the more common ways of delivering in China.

It simply means that if you spot forest fire, report it the authorities immediately.
The message seems rather confusing indeed.

Group Picture

Me against the background. Hope i don't slip...
That would be nasty fall.

Do you see the temple?
Its on the far left of the picture.....

My, this is Huge..

Group Photo

Me and the Turtle.
Is this a turtle or a tortise?

We have reached, after a long and tiring walk.
Mission Accomplished.

This structure has been builit into the cliff.

Devotees usually go to the edge to offer incense.
They have to be very careful indeed.

Writing on Rice, Very Difficult (for me)

Dinner. I am extremely hungry....

Our Hotel Room

Our Hotel Room

What We Did
This morning, we woke up at 6.10am, when we actually planned to be up by 5.30am. Guess we overslept again! Thankfully, we had packed the necessary items to be brought in our bag earlier, and our breakfast was prepared as well. We met Sasireika and Hwee Ping, at around 6.45am and made our way down to the bus. Mr. Chua and Mr. Ma were already there.

When we boarded the bus, I realized that I had not submitted the Format Structure for our IS Report to Mr. Chua via e-mail. I must have dozed off, before sending the e-mail out. Mr. Chua gave me some allowance and told me to submit it the next school day instead.

We boarded the bus and headed to the particular branch of the Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST) where the Multidiscipline Engineering (MDE) Students, whom are currently undergoing a similar programme as us, to meet them and head towards Wudangshan. Apparently, we were told that the journey would take at least 6 hours. We decided to take a nap for about 2 hours, before waking up to realize that we were on the expressway to our destination.

During our journey, we came across similar sights that we passed by when we travelled to Yichang the week before. As we approached the Wudangshan, we came across many interesting landscapes as went through a series of mountainous regions. We also passed by several valleys, similar in the way they looked as in the Three Gorges Dam area.

Upon arrival to the city area, we headed to Tai He Xuan Wu Du Jiu Dian to have our Lunch. It was of a similar scale to the meals we had onboard, the vessel during the Three Gorges Dam Visit. We ate as much as we could as we were going to walk around the Wudang Mountain Area. After Lunch, we headed towards the Wudang Mountain Entrance.

At the entrance, we alighted and made our way to the tourist bus terminal. There we were given our tickets as well as our Ngee Ann Polytechnic Student Passes for identification purposes. After passing through clearance, we boarded the tourist bus, as it move to the 3 locations on our tour of the area.

As we moved to our first location, we passed by many beautiful sceneries and views as the bus travelled along the narrow and winding roads leading to the various sections of the temples along the mountains. The roads were extremely narrow, yet the bus driver was able to negotiate their way well, even when there were two buses travelling alongside one another, in opposite directions! They were certainly driving at high speeds even at sharp turns. I had to hold onto something, if not I may just fall off my seat instead!

At our 1st Location, we went to the first temple were the 1st Crown Prince resided. Legend has it that, that the Crown Prince was at first a stubborn and lazy person who did not see the significance of learning. He happens to come across an old lady, one day, who was sharpening a steel rod for it to become a needle. The crown prince said that the task was impossible. However the old lady said otherwise stating that determination and perseverance prevails all.
We went to the different sections of the area and paid our respect to the deities. Being a temple, it was considered disrespectful of taking pictures of the deities. So, we placed our cameras way when we entered the worshipping area. Before we left the area, we were able to see a short performance by a Senior Wushu Expert. He did a Wushu Performance for us, which simply left a great impression on us, He even gave his name card to Mr. Ma. While, we left the temple, a local, I presume, came and Sasireika if she could take a picture with him. If I am not wrong, usually Indians don’t come and visit such cultural sites.

At our 2nd Location, we one of the better preserved and long lasting buildings with minimal modifications to its infrastructure. It was the Purple Hall and it was built during the Tang Dynasty. When we entered the temple further, we came across a group of Wuhan Disciples undergoing a lesson by their Wushu Master (also known as shi fu). He was quite harsh on the students while they were having their lesson. He apparently punched Students in the Stomach who did not perform the steps well. I guess they have to undergo an intensified and disciplined programme to achieve their purposes here. We were told by the tour guide that they would have to attend daily practices in the daytime and have lessons during the night as well. It is certainly very tiring to undergo such a schedule daily. Initially, I wanted to intervene, but felt that I would make matters worse instead. So, I stepped back. We went to the various temples such as the Parents Temple and the Quan Yin Temple.

At our 3rd and final location for the day, we went to another section of the mountain, which displayed very unique features, such as huge sized tortoise supporting a building and a dragon sleeping in a wishing well. We came across several unique buildings, immersing ourselves in the scenery as well. We certainly had to walk a long distance to the temple which was located at the edge of a cliff. It was simply majestic and knowing that such a structure still stands till today is simply an architectural marvel indeed.

On the way out, we bought some souvenirs whereby names were written on rice and place in a form of a necklace to be given as a gift. Although, we were running late, we still waited to purchase our souvenirs before leaving the place. The tour guide was kind enough to give us some time and did her nest to ensure that the last bus would not leave any time soon. That was nice of her to do so, since we came a long way to visit this historic monument.

After collecting our souvenirs, we had to run back to the point where we had to board the bus to take us back to the main terminal. Can you simply imagine running along the steep steps along Wudang Mountain, where we are at such a great distance from the ground. I felt that I was able to control my breathing, but halfway through, I started to feel slight difficulty in breathing.
The others were moving along fast. I was concerned about Sasireika, as she has a phobia of heights. She was also feeling very breathless and was panting continuously. I tried my best to keep her moving, which must have been hard for her. I do understand that it is hard to run at such high altitudes, with thin air in the area. Not only that, there were also no gates and barricades in the area.
After carefully, running down to the foot of the temple, we boarded the bus and headed towards the main bus terminal. We arrived there within 30 minutes.

Night had already fallen at around 6.30pm. We headed towards the restaurant for our dinner. After that, we went back to the bus, after getting some herbal tea for the night.
We arrived at the hotel at around 9pm and checked in smoothly. Initially, we thought that the 2 Star Hotels would have poor facilities. They were in fact similar to our Hostel Standards. After a long day, we decided to have a shower and started on our journals before turning for the night.

What We Think

The methods in which Students are punished in China are considered much harsher than in Singapore. In Singapore, students are not punished for making a simple mistake. Instead, they are just given a warning. However, in China forgetting a simple step, results in physical punishment, regardless of gender. Not only that, schedule seems to be very hectic, leaving no time for their own personal interests. Unlike China, in Singapore, Students have the freedom after School hours. This shows how privileged Singaporeans really are and why such things should not be taken for granted.
By exploring the area around Wudang Mountain, I realized that though there are different races and religions in the world, they are all linked to one another in one way or another. Deities in Buddhism or Taoism have their links to Hinduism as well. Thus, no matter which part of the globe we come from, we are one, though we may have different beliefs.

In Wudang Mountain, there are many temples for different wishes that are to be fulfilled. Whether, it asking for happiness, prosperity and good health for one another, there is a particular deity for every wish indeed. This shows the that aged old practices from the past have entered the modern age, and they would not fade for a long period of time, showing the belief of Taoism globally.

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