Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 7, Week 4 in Wuhan, China

Spider Web on the Railings.....

Lunch.....Quite a Mouthful....

Correct Version: I Know! I Show
I have no idea what this board is trying to say...

Piles of Papers.....

Sasireika with the Student whom cleans the Class daily.

Mr. Ma waiting......

Picture 1: Attempting to Climb the Wall

Photo 2: Making Progress

Photo 3: Almost there...

Photo 4: Made it...


A windy day in the Streets of Wuhan....

Sasireika and her Bag
What We Did

This morning, woke up at around 7.45am. We prepared for Lesson Lab 6, which was still having problems. I had to ask Mr. Chua to clarify on the Chapter once more. We got ready and left the hostel at around 8.30am for our Class.

When we went to class, we started on Chapter 7 of the Module: Arrays. It was the last Chapter of the Application Programming Module. It was also the last lesson for the Module as well. All we had to do was to complete, Lab 6, Lab 7, Tutorial 7, Mini Project and our Final Theory Test in the coming week. That is certainly a lot of work to do. During the morning part of the lesson, Mr. Ma went through with us Chapter 7. He managed to complete within an hour and started on our Tutorial as well. As we did not have the Tutorial for the particular chapter, we did the Tutorial with Mr. Ma as he displayed the Questions on the Screen. We completed the Tutorial by 11.30am. We thought of staying behind to clarify with Mr. Ma regarding Lab 6, but he and Mr. Chua had to rush off for an interaction session with WUST Teachers. So, we took our leave.

For Lunch, we headed to Canteen 3 to have our meals. It was not that crowded, so we were able to take our time to order our food, without the need to fight for space. After our meals, we headed back to the hostel, where we took a short break before leaving for lesson once again.

During the afternoon lesson, we started on our Lab 7, which was equally as hard as Chapter 6. Although, Mr. Ma mentioned that it was easy, we felt that it was much harder to complete. After showing Mr. Ma my Lab 6 for evaluation, I started on my Lab 7. I thought that I could finish Lab 7 by the end of the Lesson, but I ended up getting stuck on the 2nd Part of the Lab for about two hours. I had many student s as well as Mr. Ma on how to solve it. They didn’t know about it. I felt very frustrated but I tried to find the solution. Finally Siew Bo came with a Solution. I was finally able to continue after being stuck for about an hour and a half. Time was already running out, as all of our classmates had left.

While we were still packing, a student came into the classroom. We thought she was a Student who was attending night classes, but she came in to clean the room. She is actually student but she is under a department of the school to clean the particular class that we were using. I was initially taken aback, as I did not realize such a department existed in which students were to clean the premises. She felt slightly shy to take a picture. So, Sasireika took a picture with her instead.

After lesson, we headed back to the hostel and placed our belongings there and did some of our Assignments before heading out for dinner and to buy our breakfast for the next day. While waiting for the girls, Sebastian tried climbing the wall next to the Staff Recreation Centre.

While walking back, we walked past the night market stalls and bought our favourite fish pancake. I also tried out the yogurt at the local minimart. It tasted quite good actually. We came back to continue with our revision for our Theory Test the next day and our other pending assignments as well.

What We Think

Time flies fast. We were here, in China, for 4 Weeks and as the day comes to an end, we would be leaving for Singapore in 2 Weeks. We have somewhat adapted to the weather and climate of the region, immersed ourselves in the cultural and heritage sites of Wuhan, China and many more. I have certainly made new friends in China as well as among our Schoolmates.
Not only that, I have also learned about many aspects of Chinese Issues, such as Business Etiquette, Strategies, History, Culture and many more. As the coming two weeks come to a close, I would like to experience more about China and Wuhan to a much greater extent.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 6, Week 4 in Wuhan, China

Sasireika attempting to enter to her dorm through the window.
Quite Blur....
Look Closely and you would see stripes......
Gives the impression as though someone is escaping from Jail, Does it?

Rice Wine in a Cup

Sebastian and I on the wall facing our hostel. Hope we don't fall off....

Sebastian and Sasireka planning to race.....

Interior of Hotel

Interior of Hotel

Artefacts at the Nearby Hostel

Artefacts at the Nearby Hostel

What We Did

This morning, we woke up slightly later as our lessons were only scheduled to start at 10am. As I woke up at around 7.30am in the morning, I decided to complete my chores such as doing my laundry and cleaning up of my room. We met up with the girls at around 9.30am and headed off to lesson.

For today’s lesson we started on Chapter 6: Methods. Mr. Ma managed to complete teaching the entire chapter within an hour. That was fast! Soon, we found ourselves doing the Tutorial 6 before Lunchtime. We couldn’t complete it on time. We eventually ended up being the last to leave the class. We wanted to stay a bit longer, but Mr. Ma wanted to lock the room.

We went for our Lunch at Canteen 2 where we shared a meal among the four of us. After having our meal, we decided to head back to Classroom due to lack of time to travel to the Hostel.

During the afternoon’s lesson, we finished up our Tutorial 6, and Mr. Ma went through them with us. Following that, he showed his Lab 6 (Part 1 and Part 2) to us, and we can go about doing the program. Then, he left the remaining hour to us, so that we can complete the Lab Assignments. It was simply too complicated to understand. I had to read over and over and over again. We couldn’t finish the program by the end of the lesson. Thankfully, by the end of the Lesson, Mr. Ma gave us time till tomorrow, to complete it.

After our Lesson, we headed back to the hostel. We placed our bags there and headed down with Zhi Wei, Chewy to play Table Tennis. When we went to the Staff Recreation Centre, we realized that there were no more ping pong balls available. We called Mr. Chua, and asked him if we could borrow his equipment. I volunteered to walk up and get the stuff although I had an ankle injury. I just walked slightly fast, instead of running In order not to strain my leg. When I arrived at his office, my leg hit the railing at the entrance of the door, hurting my ankle even more. Why is it that I constantly, hit my legs and injure them always?

I managed to walk back to the hostel slowly. We went up to the table tennis room to play a few rounds till 7pm. It felt pretty good to play once in a while like that; it helps to relive stress as well, but my leg certainly felt painful after a while thoough. After a few games, we left the premises and went down to meet the girls (Sasireika and Hwee Ping) for Dinner, while Jia He (Chewy) and Zhi Wei played on.

We went for our Dinner at Canteen 2, and headed towards the bakery to buy our breakfast for the next day. On the way back, we bought the Pancake Fish as well. While going through the shortcut back to our hostel, we saw Dave being brought to the Clinic by Mr. Chua and a few others (Jeremy, Zhi Wei, Xin Rong, Jia He and others). He looked pretty weak as well. I certainly hope he recovers fast. When we returned to the hostel, we knew that Dave was suffering from Food Poisoning was vomiting pretty badly. It could have been the Barbecue food that we ate last night, but its chances were very unlikely as we did not have such an impact.
Following that, we continued with our assignments and our journals before retiring for the night.
What We Think

One’s Health, especially in a foreign country is very important concern. Being sick in foreign country can be slightly costly as well, being a foreigner. One can definitely get sick easily. This could be due to the unpredictable weather, food, environment and the lifestyle as well. Thus, we should always keep ourselves in the pink of health so as to ensure chances of getting sick are minimized.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 5, Week 4 in Wuhan, China

Doing APPG (Mini Project)...

After that, starting on Journal....

Guess, Siew Bo has made a new friend....

The little dog, guarding the security office.

Cottage Houses....

View across the Pond....

Preparing the Food.....

Picture of Me....

Let's get this Fire Started...

A Beautiful Sunset...

Hwee Ping and Sasireika

I wonder what's cooking?

Students from WUST, Foreign Language School

Having Fun, while BBQ-ing

Can we eat now?

Different Varieties to choose from.....

Mr. Chua and Mr. Ma.....

Sasireika and Hwee Ping

Diyanah, Yong Xin, Jayden, Arvind and Nicholas

Female Students from the School of Foreign Languages, WUST

Is it ready? I am famished....

Peng Juan(Student, Foreign Language School, WUST) and Me

Who do you think it is?

Female Students from the School of Foreign Languages, WUST

Students from the School of Foreign Languages, WUST

Let's Eat.....

Alex and 2 Female Students from WUST, and Me.

Selling of Goods on a Stage....
I think i have drawn attention to myself using Flash.....

KFC Fast Food Interior

My Supper

Ben, Dave, Alex and Jeremy(back) heading out for a meal before returning to hostel.
What We Did

This morning, I woke up at around 8.40am, as I was completing the Photo Essay and the Journal for the past night. I wanted to sleep slightly longer but I knew I had to get some work done. My other classmates were thinking of heading toward the Computer District to check out on the deals available there. I didn’t want to go, as I had yet to complete my Mini Project for APPG and our other pending Assignments as well.

We ate our Breakfast and went to meet the girls (Sasireika and Hwee Ping) to do our outstanding assignments doe both IS and APPG. After finishing up on my blog, I started on the coding of my Mini Project. It took me quite a while to get the right codes on the Design, given its complexity. I was only able to complete 1/8 of the Project by Lunchtime.

For lunch, we ate Cup Noodles while watching TV. On the Screen, there was a Jackie Chan Movie featuring his Drunken Fist Techniques. The show apparently ran probably a couple of hours ago, but we saw the ending instead. Although, I didn’t understand what was being said, as they were in Mandarin, we watched his martial performance as the movie came to an end.
We resumed with our Mini Project, and I managed to complete the Program till 3/8 was completed successfully. I went down to my hostel to freshen up before meeting the others at around, 4.40pm. Sebastian left earlier as he was called up to carry some items to the BBQ Site. I accompanied Sasireika and Hwee Ping to the site.

When we arrived there, it was empty and there wasn’t even a BBQ Site in view. We happen to be carrying out the BBQ Even at a Student Camp Facility, belonging to WUST, Zhongnan Branch. It seemed slightly rundown as the facilities such as the high elements and the rock climbing wall seemed to be in a slightly bad condition. There were also old decommissioned weaponry on display, but I assume they have been there for a long time, as the state they were in was pretty bad.

When we went there, there were many dogs in the area. This certainly created some discomfort, especially for Sasireika and Xin Rong, who have a slight fear of dogs. There was one particular dog, which caught my eye. This little fella was initially bought by a Student from Ngee Ann Polytechnic who was undergoing a similar programme in the same University and Branch. As he was unable to take it along with him, on his return to Singapore, he gave the ownership of the dog to the person who was manning the Student Camp Facility. That dog is such a nice dog. Dave wanted to provoke it, but the dog retaliated by barking and running after Dave. Never judge anyone by their appearance alone. This would be a Perfect Example.

After a discussion by the WUST Students, Dave, and Ben, they decided to do the BBQ at an outdoor parcel of land, which I think was previously used for camping purposes. They already had holes in the ground for cooking. Getting the fire started was a difficult issue. They had no fire starters, making it difficult to start a fire. We thought of burning dry leaves to start the fire, but they were not many around as well. We had to pull a lot of dry branches from the fields surrounding the BBQ area. I felt like a farmer harvesting crops, as we had to collect a lot of dry leaves. Sebastian started making fire with whatever they could. We were provided with many items such as chopsticks, tissue and even plastic. There was even a time, where one lady started to burn plastic bag to produce fire for another pit. Burning plastic would produce poisonous and harmful gas. We took a step back, in order not to breathe in the air, and told the lady to stop burning the plastic. It was kind of scary knowing that she actually did that.

While some of us were making the fire and others collecting firewood, the girls and a few guys helped in the preparation of the food. Most of the foods were pork based. Only a few were Chicken and Mutton. We had to be careful on what we eat.

Soon, night fell and all 5 pits were ready for cooking. I wanted to help out at one of the pits, but realized that they were cooking pork as well. I decided to help by preparing the food instead using the gloves provided. Every now and then, I took pictures of the event as well, as Sasireika and Hwee Ping were busy preparing food while Sebastian was making fire.

The Students of WUST were very kind and concerned as well. When they realized that I wasn’t able to eat neither Pork nor Beef, they cooked Chicken for the both of us (Sasireika and Me). Not only that, they also constantly gave me a lot of food such as Marshmallows, and Mutton Sticks as well. They were certainly having a good time along with the Students from our Division. It started to become very dark, as time passed. Soon, we could see nothing much except the flames from the pits. Sebastian rushed back to get his LED Lights so as to allow for clearer visibility.
While having our meal, we chatted with Students from WUST. We chatted with Tom, Alex Xu, Peng Juan and many more others as well. It was a good way to interact with one another as we talked about our own countries facts and shared them with the Students.

At around 8.30pm, we left the BBQ Site with Tom after saying good bye to the Students from WUST as well as a few of our Students who wanted to stay slightly longer and enjoy themselves.
We headed down to KFC to have our supper before heading our way back. While heading towards KFC, there was a sale ongoing, but of a different approach. They were promoting items on stage to be sold to the public. I took a picture accidentally with flash, making the audience tilt their heads in our direction. I felt kind of weird being watched as a thousand eyes were upon me. We quickly hurried away from the crowd.

On the way, back Sasireika asked Tom about his Student Life in greater depth. We bought our Breakfast at the Bakery and made our way back to the hostel. At the hostel, we gave Tom a Gift (A Chinese-English Dictionary) to prepare him for his Translation Exams. I guess he was pretty shocked based on his expression. Well, he was a nice friend as he accompanied us through the weeks in Wuhan and he deserved it.

What We Think

It was good to have such interactions as they would help to ensure that the gap between us is minimized and that we are able to communicate with one another with greater ease. I was able to communicate relatively well in English with Students, thus improving my level of confidence and interpersonal skills. I also learned a great deal about the Student’s Life in China, such as Academics, Sports and many other areas.