Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 7, Week 5 in Wuhan, China



Marc drawing our Team's Flag

Giving Suggestions....

Thinking of a Cheer and Slogan.....

Shh..Work in Progress

Halfway There..........

Completed.Ready to Race.......

We are in the Lead.....

A bit more...we can do it......

We did it! Hooray!

Teamers! Group Photo

Arvind, Wenhao, Kenneth, Nicki, Marc and Clive (MDE)

Mr. Chua along with the Lecturer from MDE/LSCT

This is actually a Condom Vending Machine.......
Its located in the hotel near the Campus........


Open House?

Ready to Climb!

Zee ready to climb......

MDE Students and Dave

I wonder what they are looking at??

Group Photo.......

Group Photo with Instructor

Group Photo with Instructors and MDE/LSCT Students

Group Photo with Instructor

Me and Zee.....

Students from MDE/LSCT

Students from MDE/LSCT

Students from MDE/LSCT

There is actually a house over there....

A beautiful sunset....

The Moon.........

Unexplored Areas of the Training Centre........

Now, where did this come from??

Fishing in an evening, like this, is simply relaxing indeed.


No TV for them,i guess
What We Did

This morning, we woke up for our Military Camp Training organized by the Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST), Zhongnan Branch. We went down slightly later as we overslept (again….). We managed to get ourselves to the Meeting Point of the Training Area, where we met Mr. Chua who was in a bit of rush as he came to check on the attendance of the students. Not many of us were present at that point of time and he rushed off to locate the rest of the Students. Meanwhile, we played with Siew Ba, the dog of the person who was in charge of the venue where we were having our activity. He seems to be such a cuddly dog to play with. We were certainly surprised to know that Siew Ba, despite being the smallest compared to the other dogs, he actually is considered the boss for the rest of the dogs. This is definitely a good example of not judging others based on their appearance alone.

While waiting for the Students from the Multidiscipline Engineering (MDE) and Life Sciences and Chemical Technology (LSCT) to come down from the Campus, near Hankou, the instructors played with us some unique and interesting ice breaking games. We were asked to come in a circle and to place values of $1 for Girls and $0.50 for guys. I wonder why girls are considered more expensive than guys??

When the instructor gave a value (for example, $4.50), we were to form the value using ourselves (for example, 4 Girls and 1 Guy). It was quite fun. Luckily, we didn’t end up doing forfeits. Following that, we played a game that tested our speed by acting Squirrels and Trees and we had to move around accordingly in the event of fire, earthquake and other situations as well. The main problem, we had trouble understanding what the instructor was trying to say, as he was speaking in Mandarin. I had to follow the others instead. It was fun though, although there was some hiccups here and there.

Once the students from Multidiscipline Engineering (MDE) and Life Sciences and Chemical Technology (LSCT) came down, they were given a short tour of the area before we were merged along with them. Then, the instructors divided us into 4 Groups with a mixture of ECE, MDE and LSCT Students. I did not know anyone from the other School apart from Zee, whom I met during the Visit during the Wudang Mountain Visit. Once we were split into our respective groups, we were brought to separate areas in the centre to start on doing our Team Flag, coming up of our Team Cheer and Team Slogan as well.

We definitely came up with a unique flag which certainly incorporates all the elements of our group. The design of the flag came out quite randomly. Marc started to draw a face to get the design out. Within minutes, our flag was formed. They even managed to come up with reasons to explain why they even drew it as well. It was certainly hilarious, but meaningful as well.
While we did the flag, the girls started their discussions on the Songs and Cheers. They kept thinking of songs until the instructor said time was running out. We finally settled on a cheer and we gave it our best, when we performed to our peers. Although, it could have been improved with more practice, it was certainly our best effort given the short amount of time given.
Our next activity was the construction of a human caterpillar track that can run 10m from one distance to another. We were certainly having a hard time figuring out how to do a human caterpillar track using sheets of newspapers. It was very hard as they were very flimsy and they were prone to breakage. We thought of many ways of solving the problem and we finally settled on one which involved making strong bonds along the papers so that they wouldn’t fall off when the paper is used to form the human tank, it wouldn’t fall apart. It was indeed hard, especially with the wind blowing as well. We didn’t have time to practice as well. We had to rely on command instead. When the instructors lined us accordingly at the starting line, we were given the distance needed to travel.

When the call was given to move, we moved slowly in tandem with the command provided by Sebastian and Clive. We managed to achieve consistent pace as we moved along with minimal breakages along the way. When we approached the finish line, our ‘track’ broke off and we had to manually fix it on the spot and complete the race. We managed to complete first with almost our entire track intact. Good Work Teamers!!

We stopped at 11.30am for Lunch. We did not travel to Luxiang District to convert currency, as Mr. Chua offered to convert for us at a rate of 4. Thanks Mr. Chua! After all, it would certainly spoilt the mood of we were to travel all the way to Luxiang to convert currency instead of spending time with the MDE and LSCT Students.

We decided to show the MDE and LSCT Students around to have their Lunch. Some of them wanted to eat at the Fish ball Restaurant while others were planning to have their meals at the canteens in the Universities. We joined the rest of the Students from MDE and LSCT to have Lunch at Canteen 2. They actually linked 4 Tables in a row and ate together. After our lunch, we headed back to hostel for a short break before the continuation of our Adventure Programme. We were surprised when we entered our apartment to find that it was filled with Students from MDE and LSCT. They were exploring our rooms and they mentioned that our living conditions are certainly much better than theirs. They even showed pictures of their hostel conditions. I always had the impression that their hostel was much better than ours, as their Branch was an International School for Foreigners.

We continued with our high elements activity, after starting off with a small activity. We were divided into 2 groups and were sent to different sections for different activities.

Our 1st Activity was a high elements activity which required us to climb up to a certain height, which is roughly 4-5 Stories high and jump from one end of the platform to another. I decided to give it a shot, although high element activities were not my cup of tea. With help from Sebastian and Zee to help me with my harness, I got ready for the activity. Thanks Guys! Once I was set, I started climbing up to the platform above. Once, I reached the edge of the platform, I simply jumped across without looking down, knowing that would certainly affect me. After that, I simply stepped into air and felt the gravity pulling me down. Thank Goodness, the harness was tied properly, or I would have probably been swaying to one side. It was kind of fun. I actually wanted to do it again, but there was no time.

We headed to the 2nd Station which was known as Confidence Fall. We were supposed to grab someone (with their hands and legs tied) from falling safely. Initially, I thought that this would be simple, but I didn’t realize that this would require a lot of strength. As I was helping to grab some of my classmates, the impact when they fell, certainly was hard on my hands. I also ended up getting hit in the face by a shoe as well.

For our last activity, we headed out to the Rock Climbing Area. Initially, I was hesitant to climb the wall, as I had not attempted Rock Climbing before. The last time I attempted such a activity was in Primary School. I decided to give it a shot and started climbing the wall; it was hard to hold on the rocks, as the spaces in between them were very small and narrow. Some even had sharp edges in them as well. After much struggle and pain in my arms and legs, I managed to persevere and reached the top. On the way down, I ended swaying away from the wall and my hand hit the stones as the cable swung back at the wall.

At the end of the Adventure Programme, we took a few pictures with our instructors after thanking them for their services and dedication towards us. We also brought the Students from MDE and LSCT around the Lake side of the Campus. They were certainly very excited to explore the area. We took many pictures, including a few artistic ones as well (using the sunset). It was definitely a fun day mingling with new friends from the different Schools in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Soon, it was time to go for the MDE and LSCT Students as their bus had arrived to bring them back to their campus. We wished them a safe journey as they were leaving for Singapore on Sunday, 2 Days before us. Following that, we headed back to campus to have our Dinner, but before that, we had ice cream which was ridiculous indeed. Usually, one would have ice cream after dinner, instead of before dinner. We soon ended being unable to finish up our dinner.
After dinner, we headed down to the bakery to get our breakfast for the next day and on the way, Sebastian, Sasireika, Hwee Ping and Khoon Fong bought Jade Pendants that were being sold at the roadside. While they were buying them for family members, I went to buy a few pairs of socks for myself.

When we came back to the hostel, we showered and moved up to Mr. Ma’s room for our briefing. We were informed that the Final Theory Test had been postponed to the 1st week of the Academic Term. That was certainly good news as we could be better prepared and enjoy ourselves on the last few days of the Programme with minimal pressure. We were also briefed on other matters involving punctuality, safety and many more as well.

After the briefing, we went back to our apartments to get some rest as it was a long day…

What We Think

Military Training is usually introduced to Students whom are undergoing Studies in Institutions, Colleges and Universities regardless of academic level. It’s compulsory that every student undergoes such a programme before they are fully enrolled into the School or Institution. They would undergo activities like ice breaking games, team-building games along with more interesting activities like high element activities, water based activities and many more as well.

In Singapore, a similar programme is held in the educational institutions island wide. In Polytechnics, it is known as Freshmen Orientation Camps

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