Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 1, Week 5 in Wuhan, China

Given Spelling: Haye a Goog Time!
Make any sense?
Correct Spelling: Have a Good Time!

Back at Work.....

What is he planniing to do with that shovel?

An Antenna that might fall anytime at all.....

I didn't know that they had these kinds of Post Boxes...
Hey, but why is it Green?

Upcoming Developments in the Area....

Are these supposed to help absorb water in the even the hydrant leaks or they there
simply for fun??

The Real KFC Outlet.

Sebastian with the Marshal that we though was real......and stiff as well.

Sasireika and Hwee Ping with the Marshal.

Me with the Marshal.
Looking at the wrong direction......

This is the size of the Popcorn Chicken in China. Only 1 Size.......

Before Dinner .........

After Dinner...

Hot Fudge Sundae; tasted somewhat like White Rabbit Candy
Still tasted good!

The 'fake KFC' that we wanted to go to......

The ones on the far right, look appetixing, but the 2 other rows don't look nice although
they are all the same thing( Muffins ), but of different flavours.

What We Did

This morning, we woke up at 6.30am and got ready for lesson with our IS Lesson with the Guest Lecturer from the School of Foreign Languages. We initially wanted to meet at 7.15pm and head down to Class. However, we only left at around 7.40pm as the girls came down, slightly later.

When we arrived at the class, we met Mr. Philip An. He is the Dean of the Foreign Languages School that we were studying at. He came into our Class, to teach us on Chinese Philosophy. He even sent us a message to remind us the lesson today at 8am, early in the morning. That was nice of him to remind us of our lesson. During Lesson, we went through the 1st Part of the Lesson on Chinese Philosophy. He went through several areas such as History of the Different Dynasties in China. He gave many examples of the different practices in China in the areas of Confucianism and how they affected daily life in ancient China. He also went through the main characters involved during the various periods such as the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. Apparently, some elements of Chinese Philosophy came from India as well. It was really an eye opener for me, to learn about the different beliefs and thoughts about China and its people.

Following that, we went for Lunch at Canteen 3 and headed back to the Foyer of the Building to start on our summary for Submission for the lesson earlier. We also prepared on the Mini Project and tried to solve out errors that we couldn’t tackle before.

We returned to class for our IS/APPG Lesson. For the 1st Hour, we completed Part 1 of Summary on Chinese Philosophy. We managed to complete it quite first, as we were distributed the work among ourselves 2 days before the actual lesson so as to be prepared. For the remaining time of the Lessons, we completed Lab 7 which I got stuck the night before. I went to see Mr. Ma to clarify regarding the Problem. As he wanted me to know how to troubleshoot on my own, he told me to try at each section of the Program to narrow down the Problem at hand using MessageBox.Show. By applying the technique he taught me, I was able to narrow down the problem quickly. Thanks Mr. Ma!

Upon completing the Program for Lab 7, I continued on my Mini Project. Previously, I was stuck with two major problems (Linking of Forms & Running the Main Form). I managed to complete them with the help of my classmates. However, now I had bigger problems as my calculations were in a mess. I had to be careful on editing the codes, as the simples mistake could end up affecting my Program even more.

After Class, we headed back to our hostel to drop our belongings at the hostel, before heading out of the campus for dinner, as it was getting very boring having our dinner in School all the time. We decided to head out to the somewhat called the “fake KFC”. We asked the customer service assistant at the nearby Supermarket and they told us to head out and turn left. We ended up walking beyond the actual KFC outlet to find it, but as the road ahead was far, we decided to head back due to safety concerns as we were not familiar with the location. We decided to have our meal at KFC instead. On the way back, we spotted the ‘fake KFC’, a stone’s throw away from the actual KFC. We wanted to try out their food to see what the difference is. Furthermore, it was sold more cheaply as well. Argh…

We decided to head back after buying our Bread at the Bakery. On the way back to our hostel, we also bought Fish Pancake for a light snack as well.

What We Think

This is the start of Week 5 and we are 13 more days till the end of our Programme in Wuhan, China. As the days get closer, our assessment submissions would be around the corner soon. Although, I have studied in the Polytechnic for at least a year, I have not gotten used to fast pace of student life. Here in China, it is much faster as we are doing a curriculum that has been structured for 16 weeks in 4-5 weeks. So, it’s definitely hard to cope. Furthermore, Programming has not been one of my strong modules as well, I would have to work slightly harder to do a Good Job for my Mini Project and do my best for the final Theory Test 2. As we would be leaving soon, we would have to complete this syllabus as well as the IS Module, so as to ensure that when we returned to School on the 20th of April, we wouldn’t be taxed as much. After all, No Pain, No Gain…..

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