Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 2, Week 5 in Wuhan, China

Our Lecturer and Dean for the Foreign Languages School, Mr.Philip An

Class ended.....

Students heading for Lunch......

Is this Spaghetti? Or is it Noodles?

The Classroom which uses Headsets for Lessons........

Mr. Christopher, Our Guest Lecturer

The Console to use the Headset

What are they doing?

Busy at work....

Me, Xin Rong, Mr. Christopher and Mr.Ma
Guess he was looking at his screen when we took the shot....

Mr. Chua trying to listen to my phone....

Chicken Sasuege (Packed)
Chicken Sasuege (Unpacked)
What We Did

This morning, we woke and got ready for lesson at around 7.15am and met up with the Sasireika and Hwee Ping. When we stepped out of the Hostel, we realized that the temperature in Wuhan plunged to 9 Degree Celsius. No Wonder, it was very cold indeed. The weather in Wuhan can certainly be freaky at times. Thankfully, I wore sufficient clothing for the weather.

When we arrived in class, we were told that there was some changes in our timetable and so were our Tests and Submission of Assignments. Apparently, the Excursion to the Green Forest Fortress, Valley of Beautiful Girls and the Hollow Mountain was rescheduled to Sunday and Monday, instead of Saturday and Monday. Not only that, we also have to undergo a 1 Day Adventure Camp at the Camp Facility, located next to the School. Thus, our Test was also postponed to Thursday, next week, which is still being confirmed by Mr. Ma and Mr. Chua. We were also informed that the IS Guest Lecture was pushed forward to today in the afternoon. Even the topic was changed as well. Initially, it was China’s Politics and Culture, but later it was changed to Chinese Traditional Weddings and Fengshui. So, the entire day, became an IS Day. I wanted to ask Mr. Ma regarding my problem for Mini Project, but now I have no time!

We continued on our Lecture on Part 2 of Chinese Philosophy. We were brought through the various aspects of Taoism and Buddhism such as their famous people, their teachings and origins, their influence on people and the government (in the past as well as the present). I really understood a great deal of Taoism History and its culture to a much better extent and the reasons why it was adopted by the people in China and around the world as well.

I also learnt more about Buddhism as well. I had already learnt of how Buddhism originated from India and how it became popular in India, but I didn’t know, how it impacted the people of China. The lesson that we had today, told me more of how the influence of Buddhism spread across the nation. Buddhist Temples can be found almost in every part of China. The nearest one is in Hanyang, when we were travelling along the Yangtze River. We didn’t recognize it, as it was night time. Although I felt that this subject is one of the most abstract subjects among the lectures undertaken by WUST, the lecturer and Dean, Mr. Philip An presented the PowerPoint well. I would have to admit that I was trying my best to stay awake, as I was dozing off every now and then. I can’t sleep in the 1st row of a Dean’s Class. That’s very embarrassing. Not to mention rude as well….

Following that we went for our Lunch, at Canteen 2. On the way back to the hostel, we stopped by the Shop to print out Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment for Submission to Mr. Chua. We then headed back to the hostel for some rest, before going back to the School of Foreign Language.

We returned to class for our IS Lesson on a different room (04-03), where we entered the class to find the Guest Lecturer, Christopher already seated waiting for us. The classroom was definitely unique as we were doing our lessons by listening through a Headset. It was definitely a unique experience indeed, although my ears felt extremely painful after putting on the headset for a short while. As the lessons were held through them, I had to put them on to hear the Lecturer very clearly. He covered various aspects of the Traditional Chinese Marriage, Modern Chinese Marriage, Chinese Customs and Mannerisms as well as Fengshui, its Effects towards one’s life and Fengshui in Homes. This lesson was much more interactive as we were shown videos of the different customs and traditions followed by the Chinese during Weddings (both Traditional and Modern Times) as well as Fengshui at home. It was certainly a unique experience as well, because most of the Students who undergo lessons at the School of Foreign Language undergo such lessons through headset.

At the end of the lesson, Mr. Chua informed the class, that there was another change of plans in the timetable. He asked the class, if we wanted to cancel the Tour to the Green Forest Fortress, Valley of Beautiful Girls and the Hollow Mountain, due to lack of time to prepare and rest for the Theory Test 2, given the tight schedule. As the whole class wanted to prepare, we cancelled the trip, freeing up our Weekend for our own revision and other matters as well. I had to plan once more in how I intend to study for the Theory Test and do my Assignments as well.

After our Lesson, we headed back to the hostel, placed our belongings and headed out for Dinner. Due to time constraint, Sasireika and Hwee Ping went to order our Dinner, while Sebastian and I went to get the breakfast for the 4 of us, at the local bakery and bought some snacks for the night as well. At the end of the meal, we went to see if the store next to the canteen sold Cornflakes, but they didn’t. Sebastian bought Sausage (Chicken) to try how it tastes like. He took one bite and gave us a weird face. I decided to give it a try since it was chicken. The next minute, I spat the entire meat out of my mouth. I just couldn’t swallow it. Although, there were many locals watching me, I couldn’t help it. It tasted very raw and disgusting. How did the Chinese People eat this? People usually just buy one of these packets and eat them on the spot, like candy or something. Guess, they like the taste of it.
We then headed back to continue on our assignments as well as our journals and prepare for tomorrow’s revision for Theory Test 2. We would also be going through Theory Test 1 as well. I wonder how I fared. Hopefully, I am able to achieve a decent grade….

What We Think

Today, during lesson, we were informed not once, but twice of changes to our timetable. I have the habit of planning what I intend to do one I received my timetable or lesson plan. As the timetable constantly changes, I would have to change my plan again and again. I am not the type of person who is able to adapt to such changes immediately. I do realize that this is what I shall expect out in the working world, but I have not gotten used to it yet. At time, it feels frustrating, but that something that I would have to adapt to.

I have somewhat adapted to the cooked food being sold at the Canteen in the Campus and outside as well. However, the processed food that was sold at the shops such as the processed sausage and instant Whipped Potatoes tasted very weird. One bite of the sausage made me spit the entire thing out. I wonder how the locals are able to eat normally, when it tasted raw to me?

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