Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 4, Week 6 in Wuhan, China

Sebastian, Hwee Ping, Sasireika and Khoon Fong

Monuments in the Temple

Monuments in the Temple

Monuments in the Temple

A Dustbin

TheMonk is ringing the bell to indicate lunchtime

Monuments in the Temple

Ancient Writings from the past

View from Above!

We mad it to the top!

The restaurent at the Temple

Tom having fun with the roadside game.
Me outside the Temple.

Ducklings being sold on the street

Shopping Streets

Display of Snacks

I wonder why are they dressed as such in a Snack Store?
These attires are usually seen in Pharmacies and Clinics

Looks famliar?

Is this allowed?

Live Lobsters!

Lunch: Chicken Noodles

Pictures of Famous Peoplw Worldwide

People playing Badmintion and other games

The Child is being brought around using a toy robot.

Now, this is not right! He seems to be very hungry, but he has no food to eat.
Thus, he has to eat such things.


Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear



Head of a Snake




Lightings of the Buildings

Pyrotechnics Show

Pyrotechnics Show

Group Photo

Tom's Father cooking in the Kitchen

Dinner is served!

What We Did

In the morning, we woke up at around 5.30pm. By the time, we awoke, dawn had already broken. We got up, packed our luggage and headed for Tom’s House to place our belongings and headed to his Aunt’s for our shower. The girls went to have their shower first, while Sebastian and I waited for our turn. While waiting at his Aunt’s House which not only supplied Hot Water for Showering purposes, they also sold Boiling Water for Drinking Purposes as well (10 Cents per Container). Many of them who came in thought that Sebastian and I were from Africa. We were greatly surprised by that. I have been often mistaken in China as a person from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and even the Middle East. Now, I have also been known as an African.

The shower in Tom Aunt’s House was pretty unique as well. The water that was used for Shower was fully boiled compared to the heating system in the Hostel. After the Shower, I certainly felt much more refreshed. It was quite small compared to our homes in Singapore as well as the Hostel in the University.

We went for breakfast at Tom’s House, which comprised of porridge; chicken eggs duck eggs and many other dishes as well. The porridge contained many peanuts in them. It was our 1st Breakfast in the Countryside. It tasted great, but I had difficulty eating the yolk of the egg, as I was not feeling alright after having my first egg. As I didn’t want to go against Tom and his parents, I ate as much as I could. We chatted while waiting for the Minivan to arrive to bring us to the city. Tom’s Father had arranged this transportation for us to make travelling convenient.

We headed for the Famous Buddhist Temple, Zhen Feng Da(Tower), Yingjiang Temple in Anhui Province. The temple premises blended modern concepts as well as traditional and past concepts. We toured the entire Buddhist Temple and paid our respects to the deities as well. We also consulted a fortune teller on the future as well. We were told by Tom, that the results were mostly accurate as well. So, we decided to take up the chance to know more. After that, we walked up the Tower which was created during the Ming Dynasty. It was once used to trap enemies as well, in times of war. This idea was thought of by Zhuge Liang.

Following that, we visited the Shopping Centre of Anqing area as well as the small markets around the area as well. We headed down to Shopping Centres to know what the prices were like. Apparently, they were as expensive as Wuhan. A Shirt would cost me at least 300 Yuan and above. We decided to look into the smaller shopping markets instead. There we came across a Ship selling Snacks which were famous in Anqing. I decided to buy a few for my loved ones.
After that we headed to the Zoo, after dropping our belongings at Tom’s Aunt’s place near the location of the zoo. As we were carrying large amounts of bags of the items we had bought from the shops, we placed them in his Aunt’s house. She warmly greeted us into her home, which looked similar as a 3 Room Flat in Singapore. After resting for a while, we walked down to the Zoo.

At the zoo, we saw a huge variety of creatures including those which can be found in the Singapore Zoo as well. We took as many pictures as we possibly could before batteries died one after another. We saw the different sections of the Zoo, from marine life, to the aviary and the other creatures as well.

We then headed to the Pyrotechnics Show at the lakeside. It was certainly a wonderful treat to the eyes. We initially saw it from far, but we decided to see how it looked at close distance, and we took a quick ride through a cab to the area. When we arrived there, we got separated, but we soon found one another eventually. We saw the remaining sections of the show, before boarding the minivan to bring us across the bridge and back to Tom’s House. This was a much more spectacular sight compared to Singapore’s smaller scale pyrotechnics show on Sentosa Island.
We returned back to Tom’s House for Dinner. His Father and Mother prepared a scrumptious meal for us to enjoy, which felt more like a 9 Course Meal. They have really placed a lot of time and dedication in ensuring that our safety and complete well being was taken cared off. That show’s their nature towards helping one another. As this was the last night, we were to having Dinner together; we decided to make it a memorable one by ending the day with a toast from all of us to Tom’s Parents.

After Dinner, we had a haircut at the nearby saloon, which was located next to Tom’s House. Hwee Ping did her 1st Rebonding Session, while Sasireika and I had our hair cut and dyed. Khoon Fong and Sebastian did a perm and a simple haircut respectively. I had not dyed my hair before. My mother and Sibling had yet to know about it as yet. I guess they would only realize it when I turn up at the airport. The hairdresser was nice enough to stay till 1.30am in the morning, to get our hairs done.

After a long day, we headed back to rest and prepare for our departure tomorrow, to Wuhan. We were quite sad that we had to leave the next day. We wished that we could stay slightly longer, as we enjoyed ourselves greatly in the Countryside and with Tom and his family. Perhaps, next time, when we come to China, we can stay for a longer period of time.
What We Think

In Anqing, Breakfast is usually porridge, with items such as salted chicken egg and duck egg. Vegetables are also added into the meal as well. There is no meat added to breakfast at all. Their lunch and Dinner usually are very large meals, especially for big families. They would often cook a set of 8-9 Dishes to ensure that there is sufficient food to go around.

The costs of taxis in Anqing are much more cheaper compared to the prices in Wuhan. A trip from Point A to Point B with a distance of about 800m to 1000m costs us around 8 Yuan, while the same distance in Wuhan would cost us about 12-15 Yuan and above. We were told by Tom that the starting fare of Taxis in Anqing are relatively low compared to other cities in the province Anhui and the other provinces as well.
Not only that, there also happens to be more female taxi drives compared to male drivers. On a scale of 1-10, I noticed that there were at least 6 taxis which we passed, had female drivers in them.
The zoo in Anqing is very small indeed. Its unique feature is that it is built within a park, surrounded by a lake which is slightly smaller than those in Wuhan. The animals there seem to be underfed and their living conditions are very bad as well. One of the monkeys was even spotted trying to eat a bottle cap. The zookeeper was also nowhere to be found either. There was only1 Guard at the Main Gate taking care of all the roles require in the zoo.

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